
Showing posts from December, 2018
I LOVE MY WEBSITE I am besotted with my new website. I am not a web designer or builder, but can cobble together an adequate website on a number of different platforms. I know my way around the templates and plugins of Wordpress and have completed some courses, although I have very limited html knowledge. My business website was created for me by a business mentor in 2014 on Google sites and was as basic as it could be – but even then I had challenges making it look anything but ordinary. It’s been on my list for a while to upgrade it and take it elsewhere and I had my thoughts on Wordpress. The site had been sadly neglected and did not really reflect my business direction or offerings, but I couldn’t get motivated to do anything about it. So, languished. My original website had a lot of flaws. It didn't really represent who I am now in business and had some security issues. I've had it on my list to update and move it to Wordpress o