
Showing posts from December, 2020

I retired and started my own business

  I’ve been agonising about content for a regular blog and have finally decided to blog the truth – not really revelationary, but interesting all the same. Not the truth of secrets best kept in their cupboard, but the truth of how I am managing as a sole trader, newish business owner and someone who has reached retirement age but who also still very much wants to reach her full potential. Like many people I have dreamt of being my own boss. Having experienced both good, bad and indifferent management styles, I always thought I would be the best boss in the world – the jury’s still out on that one, as I have been my only employee until recently, and I work myself very hard and don’t reward enough, but that’s another story. By the time I left my last job as an employee nearly nine years ago my confidence in my ability to carry over my skills to another environment wasn’t very high. I had been working as a full-time journalist in a rural newspaper and didn’t have the capacity to sta