
Showing posts from February, 2022

Keeping promises when you work for yourself

  Keeping promises when you work for yourself Keeping your own promises is hard. It’s often difficult enough to keep a promise to others and we’re all guilty of that – saying we will do something in a timely way and then either forgetting or pushing our commitment back behind other more pressing, to us, tasks. Part of the problem is that we don’t accurately forecast our workload or our time burden, so we hastily say yes to things, give timelines we think other people want to hear, and make commitments we end up being unable to keep. We are all busy - and make commitments we end up  being unable to keep We are all busy. Life tends to slip out of our grasp and rush us ahead without considering the lists we have made and the things we have said ‘yes’ to. I am a list maker. I love making lists. The only problem with lists, is that they keep on growing. I have tried taking the three or the five most important ‘must dos’ and putting them on a separate list of their own, so I can work