
Showing posts from May, 2023

From messy to classy! How to organise our home office so it’s functional and fabulous - 7 helpful tips

 by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions I have a messy desk! It’s not always messy, but from time to time the sheer volume of stuff just overwhelms my space and I have to take some time to think about where to put it all. When you work from home it’s sometimes difficult to be ruthlessly organised, particularly if you have to share your work space with the family. I’m one of the lucky ones, with a dedicated separate office in my home which doesn’t double as anything else. But for those of you who struggle with having to set up your daily desk on the kitchen table, or have a nook in the hallway or bedroom where you do your work keeping a tidy and organised space is critical. I’m not exactly a hoarder, but I am a bit of a collector. I really love stationery, and newsagents and office supplies stores are my favourite shops, with hardware coming in a close third. It’s also really important for my mental health to have a tidy workspace where I can find everything I need when I need it. Knowin

Panic Attack: A small business owner's ideas on how to manage when you feel overwhelmed

 Nan Berrett - Word Solutions   The other week I had a panic attack. It was quite unexpected and was caused by a difficult morning followed by a visit to a busy shopping centre. We arrived at the food hall looking for lunch and the place was packed. I suggested my husband find us a table and I’d get some cash out of the banking machine, as I recalled that our favourite food provider didn’t accept card payments. I  blithely told my husband that I would find him and then go and fetch our meal. I got an incoming call and, in my hunt for a quiet place to stand so I could hear, I got disorientated. I lost my landmarks and when it came time to find my husband, despite wandering through all the tables and chairs I couldn’t spot him. It was school holidays and the noise was overwhelming and became worse the more anxious I became. That’s when I had my panic attack! I’m an introvert and find many social situations challenging. Oddly, I manage really well at meetings, do a lot of public spe

Giving back by giving back - How small business can support their community

Nan Berrett - Word Solutions I was lucky enough to win a copy of a great book ‘Doing Good, by Doing Good’ by Peter Baines which talks about the importance of having strategies in your business which can help organisations transform the communities they work with through charitable activities. As a solo-preneur (and silverpreneur) I don’t have a corporate structure of employees to help me give back to my community, but this shouldn’t stop anyone from giving back. I’ve always been one of those people who put their hand up for everything – from helping in the school canteen when I could, to getting involved in kids pony club and so on. For more than 15 years my focus turned to being an active member of a local service club, Zonta International. Zonta focusses on empowering women worldwide to be the best they can be, raising them up through education, health initiatives and more. To me, giving back is so important. It makes others feel good, which then, in return, makes me feel good.   - K

Refreshing my brand while I drink coffee

by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions  Branding isn’t all about our logo – it’s everything which we bring to our business table – our business name, design of our assets and logo, any symbols we use and what makes us different from our competitors. The most important part of our brand is always  the human element – ourselves as the owners of the business, our staff, our brand ambassadors (the people who support us and promote us to others). I have been pondering branding recently, mainly because of my logo. I began my business with no real idea of a logo, and 11 years ago, I thought that together with my business name my logo was the only other component of my brand. I know better now! But I’m going to take you on a journey with my brand evolution.  First of all, it was thinking of a business name. This can be so important because, often, we change our business direction slightly from our original ideas and what we crafted in that first exciting early business plan as our business grows. We

9 Steps to Business Card Brilliance - or how to power up your networking

By Nan Berrett - word Solutions:   Business cards – still your best marketing tool There’s nothing new and revolutionary about the business card – this little bit of cardboard has been around since the 15 th Century in one form or another, always acting as a tool for introducing one person to another. The Chinese used business cards in the 15 th Century to let people know they intended to visit them. The idea emerged again in 17 th Century Europe when merchants created trade cards which looked like tiny ads for their products and also showed maps of where their premises were located. Gaining in popularity with the elite, again in 17 th Century Europe, calling or visiting cards were placed on trays held by haughty butlers and presented to the occupants of a home when a visitor arrived. I always remember reading Georgette Heyer romance novels as a kid (now I’m giving away my age!) where gentleman caller would drop off their cards when wooing their belles. Can’t believe I’ve use