
Showing posts from June, 2023

Business stress and what you can do about it – apart from pulling out your hair!

by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions  You feel like grabbing a handful of your hair and pulling really hard, but you know it’s not going to help. It’s not just common to older women (and men) in business, but as we get older and wiser we still don’t always manage stress in the best possible ways. When we embark into business we are infused with excitement about the challenges and possibilities, but as time passes we often struggle with overwhelm. I’ve been pondering, again, on stress and how it affects us and, more importantly, how we can manage it. Last week I went to my doctor for what I thought was a regular visit following a blood test and discovered I was low in Vitamin D (winter does that!), everything else was fine, except my blood sugars were through the roof. The root cause right now has been, for me, stress and skipped meals because of something happening over which I have no control. I’ve had to cancel a few meetings, play catchup and drive a lot. The doctor’s answer to my

The importance of good china and how to use storytelling in your business

 The importance of good china and how to use storytelling in your business  by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions When I was a child we had a lot of ‘good’ china and glasswear which stayed in a cupboard and was only brought out on special occasions – such as really important guests. The china was never used for family celebrations, however special they might be, but was mainly to impress those outside our family circle. I never understood it. What’s the point of having lovely things and never using them? There’s a school of thought that you should save your best things so that you can pass them to your children when you die. But what’s the point of that. You have these great objects but never enjoy them yourself, and then, I’m just assuming here, you pass them down as an inheritance and your kids either don’t use them either, find them not to their taste and give them away, or sell them for profit. If you have something nice – use it! Or give it away. Just don’t let it collect dust i

The Power of Mentorship: Empowering women in their 50s and older to succeed in Business

The Power of Mentorship: Empowering women in their 50s and older to succeed in Business by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions When I started my business 11 years ago, I had no idea what to do. As a woman in my 60s, I lacked the confidence and knowledge to navigate the entrepreneurial world. However, my journey took a positive turn when I discovered the power of mentorship. In this blog post, I will share my personal experience and highlight the unique benefits of mentorship for women in their 50s and older who are starting a new business. Finding Direction Through Mentorship I had a vague idea of how businesses ran as I’d been involved with partners in opening and running an art gallery and a gift shop long ago; we had purchased a local health food store, also some years ago, and closed it after 12 months. I’d been involved in direct sales as side hustles back in the 70s but as far as a serious business went, with myself as the product, I had no clue how to proceed. I’d fallen into my busine

Time Mastery for Women Entrepreneurs: Unlocking Success in a Busy World

  Time Mastery for Women Entrepreneurs: Unlocking Success in a Busy World by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions I’ve often struggled with time management – it sounds easy on paper, but the real-life application is entirely another thing. It’s a critical skill for any small business owner, but time management can be particularly challenging for women who often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities – although that’s not to say my tips won’t help men struggling with the same issues. Balancing the demands of work, family, and personal life requires effective strategies to maximize productivity, achieve success and sidestep burnout.  In this blog post, I’m going to explore practical advice and actionable tips to help busy women business owners prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and create efficient work routines, enabling you to manage your time effectively and achieve your goals. “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot”