Time Mastery for Women Entrepreneurs: Unlocking Success in a Busy World


Time Mastery for Women Entrepreneurs: Unlocking Success in a Busy World

by Nan Berrett - Word Solutions

Alarm clock symbolising time management and productivity

I’ve often struggled with time management – it sounds easy on paper, but the real-life application is entirely another thing.

It’s a critical skill for any small business owner, but time management can be particularly challenging for women who often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities – although that’s not to say my tips won’t help men struggling with the same issues. Balancing the demands of work, family, and personal life requires effective strategies to maximize productivity, achieve success and sidestep burnout. 

In this blog post, I’m going to explore practical advice and actionable tips to help busy women business owners prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and create efficient work routines, enabling you to manage your time effectively and achieve your goals.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot”                                                                                                                                      Michael Altshuler

I. Assessing Priorities

  • Evaluate tasks and responsibilities – make a list of all the things you need to do, put them into three columns – ‘Urgent’, ‘Important’, and ‘Any time’
  • If you have tasks which involve paperwork, then put them into these relevant piles.
  • While you are at this stage think about your long-term goals (such as launching a new product line or a new service) and short-term objectives (for example, increasing your Instagram following by a certain number or percentage or how many new clients you want to work with this quarter).

II. Creating a Time Management Plan

  • Set specific and measurable goals – these goals need to be clear and detailed so you know what needs to be done; and measurable, so you can track your progress. Measurable goals also need to have a timeline or deadline attached to them, which adds a sense of urgency and helps you monitor your progress over time as you work towards achieving these goals. For example, instead of a vague goal like, “Improve customer satisfaction”, a specific and measurable goal would be “Increase customer satisfaction ratings by 10% within the next quarter through improved customer service training and better communication channels.”
  • Break down tasks into manageable steps – because when you do this you will find it easier to achieve your goals and not feel so overwhelmed. Start by identifying a task or project you need to work on and understand the desired outcome or goal; analyse the task and break it down to smaller, easily managed components or sub-tasks and put them into the order they need to be completed; set deadlines to get each component done. Try research GANT charts if you like to use visual timelines.
  • Use time-blocking techniques – set aside or diarise blocks of time for specific tasks, and don’t let yourself get distracted!
  • Allocate time for personal and family commitments – don’t forget to set aside time for yourself and time for family and friends. Often, as small business owners we forget to set boundaries for ourselves and our own self-care and person time.

III. Delegating and Outsourcing

This is often the most difficult thing for small business owners to action – because we have done everything on our own for so long we find it hard to pass work on to others. I have struggled with this myself, and the best way to get into the habit of thinking about delegation is to ask yourself two things – ‘Will I ever have to do this again’ (if YES, then delegate); ‘Although this needs to be done, do I enjoy doing it / do I have the skills to do it’ (if NO, then delegate).

  • Identify tasks that can be delegated – keep a notebook on your desk and write down all the tasks you do during the day for a week. Then review the task list and see the repetitive tasks and the ones you know  you spent too much time trying to figure out – delegate these.
  • Build a reliable support system – work with a VA (Virtual Assistant), try different VAs for different aspects of your business (bookkeeper; social media manager; report writer etc)
  • Outsource non-core activities to professionals – like I said, if you take too long to figure out how to do something or you don’t enjoy doing it and it’s a repetitive activity – social media posting, blog post distribution, newsletter compilation etc, then outsource!
  • Prioritize tasks that require your expertise – what can I say – do what you do the best and focus on that! Outsourcing and delegating lets you do that.

IV. Establishing Efficient Work Routines

Implement the "Pomodoro Technique" for focused work – the Pomodoro technique (and you can get timers for that) involves working in 25 minute time blocks (Pomodoros). Work with focus in these time blocks and avoid distractions. When the timer goes off (you can use your phone) take a short 5 minute break and repeat the cycle. After four Pomodoros take a longer break of about 15-30 minutes. FYI Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s but is still relevant now is Italian – Pomodoro means tomato in Italian.

  • Minimize distractions and create a dedicated workspace
  • Automate repetitive tasks using technology – prewritten templates; email templates; online project management and task management tools; automated reminders; social media schedulers, etc.
  • Prioritize self-care to maintain focus and productivity

As a busy woman business owner, mastering the art of time management is crucial to achieving success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By assessing priorities, creating a time management plan, delegating responsibilities, and establishing efficient work routines, you can regain control over your time and increase productivity.

Embracing tools and technology further enhances your ability to streamline tasks and collaborate effectively. Remember, effective time management isn't about doing more in less time but rather about doing the right things at the right time. With these strategies, you can maximize your potential, achieve your goals, and thrive as a successful woman entrepreneur.

Just remember to take time out for yourself to recharge and regenerate.

Nan Berrett creates visibility for small business as well as mentoring small business owners and startups to help them navigate the mountain of knowledge which is part of our everyday life in a digital world. She is based in regional South Australia in the beautiful Clare Valley and is happy to travel to meet clients or chat over Zoom. Find out more or book some time to chat: nan@wordsolutions.com.au



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