Learning Soup - How I went to three business conferences in a week and what I thought of them

This month I’ve been immersed in conferences.

I didn’t mean it to be that way, but three opportunities came up – and guess what! They were all in the same seven-day time frame.

I live in rural South Australia and it’s a two-hour drive to Adelaide, where two of the conferences were being staged – the other was in the Barossa, slightly closer to home. I’d always dreamt of being able to afford a unit in the city which would allow us to stay over if we wanted to attend concerts or other events. Lucky for us we have a daughter living in an outer suburb and a son in the Barossa, so we can zip into the city, stay over and take advantage of their location. So glad we have a wonderful family, who is happy for me to drop in, sleep and leave!

Knowing I had accommodation sorted made the decision to attend these learning events easier. I just had to organise my business schedule and make sure my clients were still covered while I was off learning things.

The three conferences were each unique and entirely different events – the first, a two-and-a-half day, women-focused, affair was the Artful Business Conference, organised by the amazing Elle Roberts and her team. The second was a free day of business tips by Dale Beaumont from Business Blueprint – a slick presentation which included a sales element, and only had the one speaker for the day – Dale Beaumont – who was excellent. The first SA Business Conference delivered by the Gawler Business Development Group was the last of my three events and featured a lot of industry information and trade stalls.

I can’t even remember how I found out about Artful, but it was probably from Facebook, and I’m so glad I did. I booked in, making one of the biggest investments I’d ever made in my business self – it was really great value and well within my budget, but I simply wasn’t used to spending money on my own business development and I have realised over the past week that this was simply a mindset thing on my behalf, which I need to get over.

Artful has been running for several years and has been held in different locations around Australia. I’m only sorry I only found out about it for the first time this year. There was an amazing line-up of speakers, everyone was so very friendly and supportive, and the business and mindset takeaways were of such huge value it will take me a while to absorb everything as I go back to my notes over and over again.

The first day was opened by Elle Roberts and I’m in awe of this woman who has achieved so much and then taken her generous spirit to develop and organise Artful with her fabulous team. It was a comfortable environment, where we sat around tables and were able to meet several other attendees right at the start and were easily able to write notes and have refreshments on hand.

Elle spoke about the Change we Want to See in the World and how we can focus on our business and client outcomes while also having big picture values to create a business we are proud of. She reminded us of the importance of self-care and investing back into our businesses. Elle talked about taking small steps, sustainability and resilience.

“If you haven’t made mistakes,
 you’re not trying hard enough” – Elle Roberts

Linda Reed Enever from ThoughtSpot PR made us consider making Marketing Part of Our Day and shared her ideas of what we could do in five minutes to propel our business forward. Taking these small steps towards bigger goals would get us there consistently and she gave us a great raft of tips and tools to help us maintain momentum.

We had choices for the next session, and it was so hard to decide where to go, but part of the Artful experience is that the sessions were videoed and will be available to attendees later. Did I mention how well organised everything was? I chose to listen to Jay Crisp Crow, Crisp Copy, on the topic of Find Your Voice, Make Some Noise – and weaving our personal brand into our business message.

You need to suspend belief –
believe in possibilitiesJay Crisp Crow

One of the great takeaways I had from this session was ‘Once you’ve written really great copy, no one can copy you” and your best USP (unique selling point) is you!

What I couldn’t attend was a session by Linda Reed-Enever on Optimising Your Facebook Profile and Page, which I’m looking forward to catching up on, as those who attended said how much they had learned!

The Truth About Profit delivered by Laura Elkaslassy, CEO of Profit First, was delivered after lunch and made us think about our income goals and the need to know our breakeven points. One of the key takeaways was understanding that we need to pay ourselves, to be clear about our mindset and be comfortable about making money.

Profit with a Purpose –
be comfortable with making moneyLaura Elkaslassy

Renee Hasseldine from Share Your Passion has developed a step by step signature system which takes what you do and puts it into a way others can easily follow using visual models, which boost your credibility in business and help create a range of products to get your message across. The presentation was supplemented by Renee’s book, which we all received in our conference packs, and is another thing on my long list of strategies to work on.

Take what you know –
and turn it into picturesRenee Hasseldine

Building a Magnetic Business Beyond the Online Space was presented by Shannon Bush, who started her business in the days before the world of social media, and talked about the many strategies which still work without the use of the internet – snail mail, speaking to real humans, print media, networking and word of mouth. We learned about the value of networking and follow up, and how to manage life as a business entrepreneur and introvert as well as how to survive the lure of shiny objects!

If you don’t ask –
the answer will always be noShannon Bush

The afternoon finished with a panel featuring Elle Roberts, Mikaela Danvers, Stasha Washburn and Angela Henderson, who generously answered a raft of questions from the audience.

Day 2 was equally amazing and filled with knowledge. It began with Kate Toon urging us to be more Shark – Be a Shark or a Misfit but be You! Valuing ourselves and our time and not comparing ourselves or our fees to others were key takeaways. Kate said it was hard to take ourselves seriously without having a defined workspace, and I agree – I had to move beyond the kitchen table and into an office of my own, and the mere setting up of my business space made me more confident!

Setting boundaries, creating rules for work times and setting up templates and systems were part of our learnings, as well as many other great tips, including overcoming self-limiting beliefs.

I am good enoughAngela Henderson

We split up again, and this time had to choose one of three sessions – again, another hard decision, and I picked Elle Roberts for a Business Brain Dump and First Steps to Productivity and Organisation. Came away with plenty of fresh ideas, including creating a ‘shit list’ of jobs with no deadline which have gone into a notebook for tackling when I have free moments. Elle reminded us that we need to make a mind shift to delegate and outsource and could start with something as simple as getting a cleaner for a few hours a week to free us to do work which gave us joy and income.

The other two choices, which I’m looking forward to viewing were Stasha Washburn on how to integrate your feminine cycle into your quarterly plan so you can show up in your business as the best version of yourself and look after your body, and Laura Elkaslassy on money matters.

Morning tea was followed by another multiple choice – I chose Angela Henderson’s Content Marketing Mastermind. We learned about the importance of content and where to find it (everywhere) as well as tools to use to create and distribute it. The other sessions were Using Video to Grow Your Personal Brand by small business video marketing coach Jenny de Lacy and Your Story Matters by book writing and marketing mentor Shilpa Agarwal.

Most recent studies have concluded that your customers are humanAngela Henderson

Choices kicked off the afternoon sessions with Shannon Bush on Mindsets and Marketing Styles, Renee Hasseldine on Own Your Zone and Mikaela Danvers on Move Your Business to the Next Level. I chose Mikaela and again walked away with some excellent information and strategies, which I’ll be working on and putting into place.

Angela Henderson followed on How to Humanise Your Business with Facebook Groups and Zero Paid Advertising – and again we were given huge value in another excellent presentation, which was particularly relevant given current changes in the wind with Facebook and an increasing emphasis for businesses to operate within the Groups framework.

Another excellent panel on Sustainability, Profitability and Growth with Elle Roberts, Kate Toon, Shannon Bush, Laura Elkaslassy and Linda Reed-Enever completed the day.

Monday was an additional brainstorming and mastermind day, which was again full of amazing takeaways.

My second foray into business conferences this month was with Dale Beaumont from the Business Blueprint and his 52 ways tour, which came on Thursday. This was a really long day but packed with great information. Dale generously shared many tools and information (52 to be exact) on how to take our businesses to the next level. This was a row seating affair, so it was hard to take notes, and I found it quite tiring. I only got to speak to the two men to the right of me (I chose to sit in the aisle) and used my tote bag as a table on my knees so I could rest my notebook on it. As well as some great takeaways there was the sales component where we were encouraged to sign up for the Business Blueprint – and I know that this was a free event and needed to have some kind of sales component, but I found it was a bit too salesy as the pitches came often throughout the day. Still, I stuck it out, because the information was excellent. Dale was the only speaker but was fluent and engaging.

The last conference was the day after, a paid event, organised by the Gawler Business Development Group. I was able to do some excellent networking, both at the table and in the breaks. A different style of event again, with an entertaining keynote speaker – Justin Herald, managing director of Major Motivation and creator of the Attitude brand. Justin could make a new career as a standup comedian and spoke entertainingly for over an hour on how he started his business and its growth. Interestingly, I found a YouTube video of him from five years ago where he gave the same speech, pretty much word for word, when he was a guest on stage with Dale Beaumont from the Business Blueprint!

Although Justin spoke for over an hour on how he grew his multi-million dollar business without any advertising spend, I only wrote down a dozen words in my notes, with the biggest takeaway being to trademark my business name, and that customers buy from people they like (which I knew).

The remainder of the day featured an accountant, a solicitor (social media law), technology issues (cybersecurity) and funding for entrepreneurs. There were some trade stalls from government departments including the Taxation Office, a bank and a real estate agent!

Out of all three conferences the one which will stay in my mind and which gave me the most value was the Artful Business Conference. Filled with excellent and qualified speakers who generously gave us information and insights which everyone would have found helpful in moving their businesses forward in one way or another.

I’ve booked myself into the Artful Retreat at Magnetic Island, Queensland in 2020 and can’t wait! And with any luck will find myself at the 2021 Artful conference in Perth.


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