I write a lot - so why don't I write for myself?

I write a lot - so why don't I write for myself?

I write a lot - and I mean, a LOT. I write for other people, I write notes about client meetings, I email for all sorts of reasons, I write minutes and plans and processes, media releases and reports, but what I have trouble doing is finding, or rather making, the time to write for my own business and myself.

So what's with that? I've given a lot of thought recently about how procrastination about your own business promotion and marketing leads to such a range of mixed feelings - from anxiety to low self esteem, to fear and other complex issues which surround entrepreneurs and small business owners.

We often talk the good talk, urge our clients to take action and take action on their behalf, but like the car mechanic who may have the worst behaving vehicle in the neighbourhood, we seem totally incapable of making ourselves get on with working on our business instead of in it!

When I look back at the few blog posts I have written for my own business and that a year has passed since I last blogged I feel ashamed that I think so little of myself and my business achievements to not give my own enterprise the attention it deserves.

Not sure how the future will pan out, but today, at least today, I am turning over a new crisp winter leaf and having another go at regular writing for myself and my interests.

If you take a look around my website: www.wordsolutions.com.au you'll find some of my business history and journey, so I'm not about to recap here. What I do want to celebrate is that in the past few months, while cosy in my home office during the pandemic, I have learned a lot about my abilities and my resilience.

I am, by nature, an introvert. I suffer from social anxiety although I am pretty high functioning when it comes to networking or when I am in a crowd but have a purpose. Stems back from my years as a rural journalist where I would happily lean into a corner with my camera around my neck and a notebook and pencil in my hands. These acted as an excellent shield against the outside world and meant that I didn't have to interact and as a bonus, I didn't feel I wasn't part of the crowd, I was just part of the furniture and that suited me fine.

When the COVID-19 pandemic reared its ugly head I was very well prepared for working at home and isolating myself from others. My business interaction turned to the online world of technology and I was able to effectively work with clients and run workshops without leaving the house. With the dog under my desk and my newly installed Logitec webcam on top of my desktop computer I was in a new world of comfort!

So, my plan is to write something regularly, share it with the world and not worry too much if anyone actually reads it. I am doing this essentially for myself and my business and to prove I can - a big bonus for me is that writing words doesn't take me long. I don't agonise, check it once and then send it out into the world.

Stay warm and safe - wash your hands - strange times!


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