Take care of yourself, because your business won’t run on coffee alone!

Self-Care for Small Business Owners: Strategies for Maintaining Work-Life Balance

By Nan Berrett - Word Solutions: 


Nan Berrett Word Solutions tips for self care

I’m a bit addicted to coffee – but I know I need more than a daily energy boost to stay focused.

When we are small business owners it can be challenging to find time for self-care when we're busy managing and trying to grow our business. So, self-care is crucial for maintaining our physical and mental health, and it can also help us avoid burnout and increase productivity in the long run. Here are some strategies for practicing self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Prioritize rest and relaxation

When we're a small business owner, it can be tempting to work around the clock. But this approach isn’t sustainable in the long run. It's essential that we prioritize rest and relaxation, whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing yoga. Taking regular breaks and downtime can help us recharge our batteries and increase our overall well-being.

Delegate tasks

As a small business owner, we may feel we need to do everything ourselves – and we often do, but delegating tasks to trusted employees or freelancers can help us free up time and reduce stress. Make a list of tasks to delegate, and start delegating one or two each week. Start off with simple things – I know it’s hard to let go, but delegating not only helps us get more done but also empowers our teams to take on more responsibilities and grow their skills.  

If you are feeling a bit wobbly about the idea of delegating or outsourcing, start off small and simple by thinking about getting someone to help with your household tasks, which will free up time for you to concentrate on your business – a cleaner one day a week, a gardener, online grocery shopping delivered to your door, an inhouse child carer. Once you’ve made the change in your mind about outsourcing, business outsourcing tasks can follow more easily.

Set boundaries

One of the biggest challenges of being a small business owner is the constant pressure to be available all the time. Because of this, it’s essential to set boundaries between our work and personal lives. I try to avoid checking emails or taking business calls outside of work hours – am not always successful! If you can managing to adopt this practice, it will help you avoid feeling like you're "always on" and give you time to recharge. Setting boundaries also communicates to our team and clients that we respect our time and prioritize our well-being.

When we feel our best, we can bring our best selves to our work.

Practice time management

Time management is essential for small business owners, but it's also important to schedule time for self-care activities. Make sure to block off time for exercise, journaling, meditation, or other self-care practices on your calendar each week. Treat these activities as important appointments that cannot be missed. By taking care of yourself, you can improve your focus and energy, which can translate into better productivity and success in your business.

Build a support network

Running a small business can be isolating, especially if you're working remotely. Building a support network of other small business owners or mentors can help us feel less alone and provide us with valuable advice and resources. Joining a business group or networking online can be a great way to connect with other entrepreneurs. By building relationships with other business owners, you can learn from their experiences and gain new perspectives on how to run your business.

Practicing self-care is essential for small business owners, especially when we are working remotely – and in my case in rural South Australia in the Clare Valley. By prioritizing rest and relaxation, delegating tasks, setting boundaries, practicing time management, and building a support network, we can maintain a healthy work-life balance and achieve success in our business. Remember, that taking care of ourselves is not only good for our well-being but also for our business.

If you're looking for more resources on small business support, entrepreneurship, or networking check out these helpful links:

Business SA: https://www.business-sa.com/

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman: https://www.asbfeo.gov.au/

Australian Government Business: https://www.business.gov.au/

South Australian Government Business: https://business.sa.gov.au/

Polaris Centre: www.polariscentre.com.au

Seek out networking events and communities in your local area.

Nan Berrett creates visibility for small business as well as mentoring small business owners and startups to help them navigate the mountain of knowledge which seems to be part of our everyday life in a digital world. She is based in regional South Australia in the beautiful Clare Valley and is happy to travel to meet clients or chat over Zoom. Find out more or book some time to chat: www.wordsolutions.com.au

Nan Berrett of Word Solutions business visibility specialist and small business mentor


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