The AI effect and what it means for humans in business

By Nan Berrett - Word Solutions: 

The AI effect and what it means for business by Nan Berrett Word SolutionsI’ve been playing around with the latest thing since sliced pastrami, the AI program which writes like a human and can provide you with content, answers and more – ChatGPT.

I fell in love with it, pretty much at first sight, because of what it can do and how clever this technology is. If you like tech you can’t ignore it, and even if you don’t, then you still can’t ignore it. We will be seeing the rise of AI in all shapes and forms over the next decade and the revolution is starting now.

What I have asked ChatGPT:

  • ·        Give me some dot points for a blog post on procrastination.
  • ·        Write a customer journey for a small business.
  • ·        Provide some motivational ideas.
  • ·        What techniques do you recommend for time tracking.
  • ·        Ideas for disposable nappy odour management (don’t ask me why I asked this – I did have a reason!!)
  • ·        Benefits of insect repellant
  • ·        Step by step how to remove a stuck empty gas cylinder from a nail gun.
  • ·        And a lot more besides – I go to it for social media ideas, ask it to expand on dot points and have had tremendous fun!

I also asked it to write some sentences on a topic and then rewrite it in the language of Shakespeare and then like a Pirate – it obliged!

Despite having a dark side, I still love and admire what it can do. We’ll journey to the worst of it first – what’s bad about AI models like this one:

Bias and Discrimination: AI models like ChatGPT learn from the data they are trained on, and if the data they get is biased or discriminatory, the AI model may also exhibit biased or discriminatory behaviour. For example, if an AI chatbot is trained  on historical customer data that shows a bias against a certain group of people, the chat may also show that bias in its responses.

Privacy and Security: AI models like ChatGPT require large amounts of data to function, and this data may include sensitive personal information. If this data is not handled properly, it could be vulnerable to breaches or other security risks, which could result in privacy violations or other harmful outcomes.

Job displacement: As AI models, like ChatGPT, become more sophisticated, they have the potential to replace human workers in certain tasks or roles. While this could lead to increased efficiency and productivity, it could also result in job losses and other negative social and economic consequences. However, I think my job’s safe, as are the jobs for anyone who uses it for writing content, it’s only as good as your input, and then you still have to check facts because the internet, where ChatGPT and others get their data from, is full of wrong information!

Unintended consequences: AI models like ChatGPT are designed to optimise for specific goals or objectives, but they might not consider all the potential consequences of their actions. This could lead to unintended or unexpected outcomes, which could be harmful or counterproductive. An example of this would be if it was used in the recruitment process where it could perpetuate a bias.

Dependence: This is probably one of the most likely bad unintended consequences: the risk of a business becoming to dependent on AI models to the point where they can’t function without them. This could make businesses vulnerable to disruption if the AI model fails or there are other issues with its performance.

Helping bad actors: With the increased prevalence of would-be and successful sneak thieves on the internet who phish for your information, steal your identity, your money and more, AI has the ability to help this kind of illegal activity by writing code on request. You can ask it to write strings of html code to put onto your website to create online forms, for example, so I’m not sure that it couldn’t be used by the unscrupulous to have it write ‘special’ code for them!

So, we’ve talked about the bad – now let’s take a look at the good things about using an AI tool like ChatGPT.

Customer Service: ChatGPT can be used to provide instant customer support and assistance. Customers can interact with the chatbot to ask questions, get help with products, and resolve issues.

Marketing and Sales: ChatGPT can be used to generate leads, provide product recommendations, and even make sales. Chatbots can provide personalized suggestions and promotions to customers based on their preferences and past behavior.

Education and Training: ChatGPT can be used to provide interactive learning experiences, such as quizzes, games, and simulations. Chatbots can help to personalize the learning experience and provide feedback to learners.

Healthcare: ChatGPT can be used to provide medical advice and support. Patients can interact with chatbots to get information about symptoms, receive advice on treatments, and even schedule appointments.

Mental Health: ChatGPT can be used to provide mental health support and therapy. Patients can interact with chatbots to receive advice, support, and guidance for mental health issues.

Personal Assistance: ChatGPT can be used as a personal assistant to help with tasks such as scheduling appointments, setting reminders, and even ordering food.

News and Entertainment: ChatGPT can be used to provide news updates, play games, and even provide entertainment. Chatbots can engage with users and keep them entertained with interactive experiences.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that ChatGPT can be used to enhance the user experience and provide value to customers. With the right configuration and training, ChatGPT can be tailored to suit a wide variety of applications across many different industries.

Want to find out more then check out ChatGPT or ask me how it works!

PS I used ChatGPT to write parts of this or give me some ideas ... but I probably won't ask it to write entire blog posts for me, as I think I may lose my 'voice' in the process!

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Nan Berrett creates visibility for small business as well as mentoring small business owners and startups to help them navigate the mountain of knowledge which seems to be part of our everyday life in a digital world. She is based in regional South Australia in the beautiful Clare Valley and is happy to travel to meet clients or chat over Zoom. Find out more or book some time to chat:

Nan Berrett of Word Solutions business visibility specialist and small business mentor


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